Edgar Gillham

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Member: Class of 1952

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Middleton, California


_a href="http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/documents/Gillham.html" target="_blank"_Edgar Gillham's whistleblowing experience_/a__br_ Hello, the above whistle blowing event pretty well ended my engineering career after I had designed microwave amplifiers for sat com ground stations, put the communications device in orbit around venus in 78, and developed the ALQ-131 missile defense system in 83. My mistake? I had a conscience and that doesn't fit into today's scheme of business proceedure._br__br_ Returned to college at age 50 and studied communications, to the dismay of the younger students I won top honors. I wrote the newspaper article that prompted State Insurance Commissioner Quackenbush to ask me to help draft proposition 213, the personal responsability initiative that passed the electorate by 78% of the vote and has been law for about 10 years. My speach before Congress convinced our lawmakers to enact mandatory auto insurance for this state. I have a letter of commendation for my part. I built and operated a photo lab and studio, doing freelance photography for 12 years prior to retirement, and won many honors with my work, I have a drawer full of awards, some international. During my photography career I started a 7 piece band (runestone) and played in the Sacramento area. Upon retirement we relocated to our 20 acre parcel of land in Mendocino and tried to settle in. We quickly came into conflict with methamphetimine manufacturers that controlled the entire reigon. After a gunfight my wife and I were forced to leave. I mounted an operation consisting of a militia in conjunction with the Mendocino Sheriff's department, and conducted raids onmeth labs, putting many out of business and sending perpetrators to prison. The people in the area were free of the control of drug lords. We are now enrolled in the El Dorado Hills v/w protection program and are constantly trying to hide from enforcers, each new move only gives temporary relief. To date, there have been 4 attempts on my life. _br__br_BEst wishes to all you survivors, Ed Gillham.

As of: Apr 13, 2011

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Data retrieved from Redondo Union High School Alumni Association archives