Constitution & By-Laws



  1. The name of the Association is:


  1. The purpose of this Association is to preserve the friendships formed in school and to promote alumni interest in Redondo Union High School.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).


  1. All graduates and former students of Redondo Union High School shall be eligible for membership in this Association and will be considered a member upon acceptance of application.
  2. Honorary members may be elected by the Board of Directors in recognition and appreciation of outstanding service either to Redondo Union High School or this Association.
  3. The current Principal or the Principal’s designee shall be a non-voting member of this Association.


  1. The Board of Directors of this Association shall consist of:
    President Elect
    Vice President
    Editor and Publicity Director
  2. The powers of the Association and the conduct of its affairs (fiscal, administrative, and otherwise) shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall consist of the six (6) aforementioned Officers and a minimum of four (4) additional Directors.
  3. In the event an Officer or Director misses three (3) consecutive meetings, the Secretary must inform the President of the absences and a replacement may be chosen at the discretion of the remaining Board of Directors.
  4. No member of the Redondo Union High School Alumni Association either regular or otherwise shall be personally or otherwise liable for the debts, liabilities, and/or obligations of the Association.


  1. The general membership of this Association shall meet once a year.
  2. Special meetings of the membership may be called by any member provided notice thereof be given by letter or postal card two (2) weeks prior to such meeting.
  3. Twenty-five (25) members shall constitute a majority quorum for all membership meetings of the Association.
  4. The Secretary shall give the members written notice of the time and place of the annual meeting, together with the nominations of the Nominating Committee, at least two (2) weeks prior thereto.
  5. The Board of Directors shall have a minimum of one meeting each calendar year.


  1. The Officers of the Association shall be elected by the general membership and each Officer shall server for a term of one (1) year; said term beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
  2. At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors in the month prior to the annual general membership meeting each year, a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members of the Association shall be appointed for the purpose of selecting a slate of candidates for the offices to be filled at the next ensuing annual meeting of the membership of the Association.
    1. The Nominating Committee so selected shall select one candidate for each office of President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Publicity Director, and a minimum of four (4) one-year Directors.
    2. The President Elect of the preceding year shall be nominated for the position of Incoming President.
  3. Nominations for any officer or director may be submitted in writing form the floor during the annual general membership meeting.


  1. Duties of the President:
    1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership of the Association and of the Board of Directors.
    2. The President is an ex officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
    3. The President shall with the Secretary or with the Treasurer in the absence or incapacity of the Secretary, sign all written contracts and undertakings of the Association which have been approved by the Board of Directors.
    4. The President shall insure that indemnification insurance is in force at all times.
  2. Duties of the Vice President:
    1. The Vice President shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the President in the event of his absence or incapacity to act.
  3. Duties of the President Elect:
    1. In the absence of or incapacity to act of both the President and the Vice President, the President Elect shall discharge the duties and exercise the power of the President; and should none of the aforementioned three (3) officers be present, the members of the Board of Directors present shall designate one of their number to act as Chairman pro tempore of any meeting.
  4. Duties of the Secretary:
    1. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the membership of the Association under such general instructions as the Board of Directors may prescribe.
    2. The Secretary shall keep in the Association Minute Book, the minutes of all meetings of the membership of the Association, the Board of Directors, and of all standing committees.
    3. The Secretary or the Secretary’s appointee shall oversee all the correspondence of the Association and of its Board of Directors and standing committees, subject to such exceptions as any committee may designate.
    4. The Secretary shall perform such other and further duties as shall be designated to be performed by the Board of Directors.
  5. Duties of the Treasurer:
    1. The Treasurer shall collect all obligations due the Association from all sources.
    2. The Treasurer shall hire such clerical and other help as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association, subject, however, to the control and power of the Board of Directors.
    3. The Treasurer shall have the power to incur upon his own authority expenditures not to exceed in any single instance the amount of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00).
    4. The Treasurer shall deposit the funds of the Association in a responsible banking institution of legal depository within the City of Redondo Beach. The Treasure shall discharge all obligations of the Association by checks drawn upon such finds, which checks shall be jointly signed by the President and/or Vice President.
    5. The Treasurer of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance and Fund Committee.
  6. Duties of the Editor and Publicity Director:
    1. The Editor and Publicity Director shall compile and publish all necessary data concerning the affairs of the Association in the form of bulletins, circulars, announcements of programs, and in general be responsible for and superintend the publication and discrimination of publicity concerning the affairs and activities of the Association in newspapers, magazines and other media of information.


  1. The Board of Directors shall exercise the powers and conduct the affairs of the Association, and meetings of the Board shall be open to any member who desires to attend.
  2. The Board of Directors shall authorize the payment of all claims, debts and demands against the Association; provided, however, that this authority may be delegated by the Board of Directors to any of the officers or to a Finance Committee.
  3. The Board of Directors may refer to the membership of the Association any question which it may have before it for decision.
  4. Any member of the Association desiring to bring to the attention of the Board of Directors any business or other matter may do so by presenting the same in writing and appearing before the Board to present such matter.
  5. Anything contrary in this Constitution and By Laws notwithstanding, the membership of the Association may by vote of two-thirds (? ) of the members present at any meeting rescind any action of the Board of Directors.


  1. The Board of Directors, at its organization meeting following the election of officers each year, shall appoint the following committees from the membership of the Board; the number of members to serve on each committee to be determined by the Board at the time of making appointments thereto: Homecoming Program Membership Finance and Fund Auditing Endowment Fund Scholarship Fund Special Projects
  2. Homecoming Committee: The Homecoming Committee shall be in charge of planning alumni events to be held on the day/night of homecoming each year at the high school.
  3. Program Committee: The Program Committee shall have charge of the arrangement of programs for the Association.
  4. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall notify all graduates of Redondo Union High School, immediately following their graduation, of their eligibility for membership in this Association and invite their attention to the benefits of the organization and to the alumni at large.
  5. Finance and Fund Committee: The Finance and Fund Committee shall have charge of the ways and means to fund the Association and paying the bills incurred by the Association. They shall also have charge of any special financial matters authorized by the Board.
  6. Auditing Committee: An Auditing Committee of three (3) members shall be appointed by the Board to organize and audit a system of bookkeeping for the Association.
  7. Endowment Fund Committee: The Endowment Fund Committee shall be composed of five (5) members, one of whom shall be the Principal of Redondo Union High School (or his/her designee). They shall act as trustees of the endowment funds and shall release the funds only upon the authority of the Board of Directors of the Association.
  8. Scholarship Fund Committee: The Scholarship Fund Committee shall be composed of three (3) members, the Principal of Redondo Union High School (or his/her designee), the President of the Association, and the Treasurer of the Association. They shall act as trustees and administrators of the scholarship funds.
  9. Special Projects Committee: The Special Projects Committee shall be in charge of implementing chosen projects.


  1. All matters of parliamentary procedure governing the deliberations of the membership and/or the Board of Directors shall be in accordance with the rules and practices prescribed in the Robert’s Rules of Order.


  1. This Constitution and By Laws may be amended at any time by a vote in the affirmative of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership present, and when so amended, such amendments shall be engrossed in the Association Minute Book. This Constitution and By Laws, or any part thereof, may be repealed or reenacted by like action of the membership present.

This Constitution and By Laws were adopted this <Signed Day: 31st> day of <Signed Month: January>, 1995.

      <Signature: Gayle A. Albin Bailey>       ,

      <Signature: Patricia C. Ramsey>       ,

Copyright © 1995, 2024 RUHS Alumni Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved.