That’s what the Alumni Association is all about!
Explore these Alumni activities:
- Check Class Reunion Announcements
- Search the Alumni Directory
- Look over the Alumni Walk
- Check out the Alumni Association RUHS Student Scholarship Program
- Help with the Pilot Yearbook Project
- Join us @the Annual RUHS Alumni Association Meeting before the start of each year’s Homecoming Game
Over the years, there have been many alumni associations attempting to unite RUHS Alumni together. Our motto became: “To renew old friendships and reconnect with classmates.” In 1997, by re-establishing the Redondo Union High School Alumni Association, Inc., we tasked ourselves with two main goals: provide scholarships to longtime RUHS Alumni families; and publish a newsletter to help spread the Alumni Spirit. Since that time the Association has added two more significant items to that list: collection and maintenance of an Alumni database; and an Alumni Walk on the RUHS campus.

Members of the Class of 1969 enjoy reconnecting at the Blue Water Grill, Feb. 2015, for their 45th reunion. Reconnecting, catching-up and reminiscing.
the 4th Edition of the Alumni Directory are testaments to the hard work and dedication alumni volunteers have given over the years. Through donations and purchases of bricks on the Alumni Walk, funding of Alumni Student Scholarships continues for about five students each year.
Thank you Alumni for being part of the best school association in the country! Check below to explore any of the many activities of the RUHS Alumni Association.
We were able to realize publication of the Alumni Sea Hawk in our first year of existence announcing to all RUHS Alumni that a non-profit organization had been formed. After enormous efforts from the many volunteers making up the Association, two scholarships were awarded to 3rd and 4th generation RUHS graduates the very next year. The newsletter gave way to the Alumni website, and the database continues to grow now reaching to over 35,000 names!
Each year the Association accomplishes more and more. The now famous Alumni Walk (constructed in 1997 and its’ five subsequent removals and rebuilds), the Alumni Database (which appears once again with the launch of this renewed website), scores of Alumni Student Scholarships, and the up-coming publication of breakerbreaker
And just in case you’ve been curious about the words alumni, alumnae, etc., here are some definitions…
Alumnus A*lum”nus\, n.; pl. Alumni.
- A male graduate or former student of a school, college, or university. See Usage Note.
- A person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university).
- A pupil; especially, a graduate of a college or other seminary of learning.
[Latin, pupil, from alere, to nourish. See al-2 in Indo-European Roots.] [syn: alumna, alum, graduate, grad]
Alumna \A*lum”na\, n. fem.; pl. Alumn[ae].
- A woman graduate or former student of a school, college, or university. See Usage Note.
- A female pupil; especially, a graduate of a school or college.
[Latin, feminine of alumnus, pupil. See alumnus.]
Usage Note: Alumnus and alumna both come from Latin and preserve Latin plurals. Alumnus is a masculine noun whose plural is alumni, and alumna is a feminine noun whose plural is alumnae. Coeducational institutions usually use alumni for graduates of both sexes. But those who object to masculine forms in such cases may prefer the phrase alumni and alumnae or the form alumnae/i, which is the choice of many women’s colleges that have begun to admit men.
Who qualifies as an RUHS Alumnus?
Many have asked if they are included in our definition of alumni. Let it be known that to the RUHS Alumni Association, regardless of the strict interpretation of the word, ‘Alumni’ means anyone who attended Redondo Union High School regular classes for any length and at any time over the years. We classify only to what graduating class that person did/would have belonged. We also say Welcome!
So the good news is, if you attended RUHS at all during your high school career, you are automatically a aaaaaaaa
member of the RUHS Alumni Association. The bad news is that many RUHS Alumni don’t know this and therefore don’t get involved with us. The Board meets four times a year to conduct Association business. But all RUHS Alumni are invited to the Annual General Membership meeting before each year’s Homecoming game. Elections for the following year’s Officers, Board Membership nominations and appointments to the various committees are held at that General Membership Meeting. Consider this an open invitation and we hope to see you there!