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RUHS Alumni Association

Class Reunion Announcements

Anyone know of or planning Class Reunions this year?

Class of 1970, Your 50th Is Coming Up!

We receive calls all the time wanting to know who to contact for their class’ reunion. What about the Class of 2010? It has been almost ten years since you graduated RUHS. We have class lists to help you get started notifying your classmates of your planned event. And the Class of ‘80? Anyone planning your 40th Reunion? We can and will help, just let us know by contacting Alumni Reunions here at the Association.

Remember to publicize your reunion in the Daily Breeze too. Email the school name, class year, reunion date, location, price and contact information in advance to

Members of the Class of ’69 pose before the Alumni House as guests of the school. Graduation day, June 20, 2019.

Let us know the reunion details so we can list it here

We get lots of calls and requests asking about class reunions. Reunions are a great way for classmates to renew old friendships, see other classmates and share experiences. The Alumni Association can help with class lists and mailing labels to get your reunion committee off to a good start. We will make our Alumni Database available to reunion committees for use in contacting aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

classmates. We can also provide mailing labels. Contact Alumni Reunions for more information or send your request to:
RUHS Alumni Association
attn: Alumni Reunions
Post Office Box 368
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Reunion Committees!

If you or someone you know is planning a reunion, contact Alumni Reunions and let us help pass the word or even provide you with a mailing list to get you started! Tell us when, where and how much your next Class Reunion will be and we will post it on the list of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

reunions happening this year. We can also help with class lists, pre-printed labels, and holding your class monies Contact Alumni Reunions and the Association Treasurer to find out all the ways we can help your class get the word out.

How to Reclaim Your Committee’s Funds

Contact the Alumni Association and we will send it to you if we have it

The Alumni Association will hold-over funds from one class reunion to another and any interest earned is added to the principle. The service is free to any RUHS Reunion Committee. If the Association watches over your class’ seed money from year-to-year, you may aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

contact the Association Treasurer to make arrangements for using those funds. Not all classes participate in this service, however, and it may be that we do not keep funds for your class. If you would like to have the Alumni Association watch over your class’ reunion funds, contact the Association Treasurer to make arrangements to set that up for you.