- CLASS OF 1971 » Your 50th +1 Reunion has been re-scheduled for June 11th, 2022 at the King Harbor Yacht Club. They had to re-schedule due to the Pandemic impact. Check for continued updates and details on our facebook page: RUHS Class of 1971 50th Reunion. Access a reunion flyer HERE. Contact the The RUHS Class of ’71 Reunion Planning Committee by email directly with any questions or if you’d like to offer to help. And please share with all classmates you know to get the word out. Read more »
- dash TWO Classes » All classmates from classes ending in 2, let us know your plans. Class of 1972 be sure to check your Directory listing. Submit an update to be sure you’re notified of your 50th Class reunion activities. If you are planning a reunion, we can help you get the word out and offer advice on how to plan a reunion. Contact Reunions here at the Association.
What's New!

Association Announcements

RUHS Announcements
- RUHS PTSA: Here’s a copy of the August 16th Newsletter to let you in on the activities at our High School
- RUHS Archives: For information on the RUHS Archives and the Alumni House, visit the Redondo High School Archives page on facebook
- RBUSD SCHOOLS COVID-19 Protocols » To read the latest updates from Dr. Steven Keller, RBUSD Superintendent of Schools, follow this link: COVID-19 Updates

2020 Scholarship Winners!
As is our annual duty and the real reason the Association was formed, the Alumni Scholarship Committee had the pleasure to give out this year’s Alumni Association Scholarship Awards to six well qualified RUHS students. Congratulations to Alana Galvan, Jessica Golding, Ashlee Lamason, Diego Sanchez, Fernando Sanchez, and Giselle Sanchez. We wish each of you well on your road to success! Read more ›

2020-21 Board members!
At the General Membership Meeting September 20th, 2019, a new slate of nominees were voted on and installed to the 2020 Association Board of Directors. They are: President Chris Anderson (’69); Vice-President Chuck O’Sullivan (’69); Secretary Ana [Gomez] Araujo, (’73); and Treasurer Patty [O’Sullivan] Mintun (’71). Outgoing President, Augie Granier (’81), became our Parliamentarian.
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Planning a Reunion?
If you’re planning a reunion, first step is Get The Word Out! Open a facebook page, post announcements on existing RUHS facebook pages, but don’t forget to tell us too. Are you from one of the Classes ending in Zero? It’s time to start planning your next reunion. This year will be the 50th for the Class of ’70 and the 25th for the Class of ’95. If you or someone you know is planning a reunion, contact Alumni Reunions and let us help you pass the word. Remember to keep in touch with your reunion details and we will post it on our Reunion Board. Read more ›

Our Mission Statement
The purpose of this RUHS Alumni Association is to preserve the friendships formed while attending Redondo Union high School and to promote alumni interest in the school and its students. It is important to note that Alumni Walk proceeds and all other donations to the Alumni Association go specifically to annual RUHS student scholarships. It’s time to put your Brick on the Alumni Walk. Brick Order Form