- Centennial Celebration
- Centennial Committee Members
- A Note from RUHS’s Co-Principals
Redondo Union High School Turned 100 Years Old In 2005
Almost two years after the school’s 95th Anniversary in 1995, the Association became acutely aware of the upcoming 100th anniversary and vegan wondering what to do about it. Working with school and district officials, the Alumni Association formed a committee to sift through and solidify all the ideas coming forth. This committee, made up of members of the Alumni Association, the school’s ASB members, past and present school teachers and administrators, and enthusiastic community leaders and by working aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
tirelessly long and hard hours, was able to come up with a week-long celebration schedule befitting the Redondo Union High School milestone.
Reproduced here on this and succeeding pages are the Schedule of Events, Event Locations, a list of the 100 Most Distinguished Grads, a gallery of photos and newspaper article reprints from the Celebration time period. They show just how wonderful this event was and how wonderful is the school!
Redondo Union High School Centennial Committee
The 43 members of the Committee were made up of RUHS administrators, RUHS alumni, people from the community and from the RBUSD School Board. Together they formed groups to plan events, carry out committee business, but also to choose a select Withaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
few alumni from a long list of worthy graduates. These became the 100 Distinguished Graduates. The list of Honorable Mention Graduates represents just how large the list of qualified candidates was, they just had to be recognized in some way. The members were:

June 25, 2005
Redondo Union High School is proudly celebrating 100 years of educational excellence. This celebration acknowledges the accomplishments of staff, students, parents and the community that has embraced and enriched the school for so many years. RUHS is rich with history and traditions, and our alumni treasure the experiences and memories created here.
With great pride we are happy to honor 100 of our former students with the title of Distinguished Alumni. These 100 Distinguished Alumni represent excellence and noteworthy accomplishments in a wide variety of endeavors. The success and contributions of these alumni not only reflect a positive light on their alma mater, but they enhance our history and seve as shining examples and role models for current and future Withaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
RUHS is proud to have contributed to the education of these distinguished alumni, and we would like to acknowledge the numerous staff and faculty members over the years who were a positive influence in their lives. The dedication of these educators and their ability to inspire, mentor and motivate students is the essence of excellence and Sea Hawk pride at RUHS.
Redondo Union High School is proud to honor these 100 Distinguished Alumni and present them to the community for recognition of their achievements on the occasion of our school's Centennial Celebration. Congratulations!
Goy Casillas and Mary Little