Results of the General Membership Meeting September 20, 2019
On September 20, 2019, the Alumni Association held its annual General Membership Meeting in the RUHS Library. We recapped the year’s accomplishments and a new Board of Directors were elected. 2019 was again quite a year for the RUHS Alumni Association.
Thanks to a few dedicated alumni members, the RUHS Archives were made available regularly in the Alumni House for Alumni to browse and search while displayed. Eight scholarships were awarded in May and the Alumni Walk continues to be the focal point of Alumni visits.
After Board Officers are elected, members are appointed to serve on one or several committees tasked with completing the work of the Association. We want to thank those members of the Association that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
served these positions, “THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!” These are the committee designations, though they may or may not be impaneled every year:
- Homecoming
- Program
- Membership
- Finance and Fund
- Auditing
- Endowment Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- Special Projects
At the General Membership Meeting next fall, we will elect new officers and board members for next year’s board. It’s also the time of year all interested RUHS alumni get together to renew old friendships and begin new ones. Contact one of the Board Members or come to our next meeting (all are invited) and join us. Become a part of the Alumni Association. Go BIG RED!
Association Board of Directors & General Membership Meetings
The Alumni Board of Directors meets several times a year to review work in progress and help each other with projects. Items on the agenda requiring approval are discussed and voted on at that time. General members are invited to attend although only Board members are allowed to vote. Some items, such as our operating budget, changes to our Constitution and Bylaws, or election of Association officers, are taken care of during a general membership meeting and voted on by the membership at large.
The good news is, if you attended RUHS at all during your high school career, you are automatically a member of the Association. The bad news is, most RUHS Alumni don’t know this and therefore don’t get aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
involved with their Association!
All RUHS Alumni are invited to the Annual General Membership meeting held each year at Redondo’s Homecoming. As mentioned before, Association business is discussed, the operating budget for the next year, elections for next year’s Officers, Board Membership nominations and appointments to the various committees are held at that General Membership Meeting.
The Association is responsible for developing and enlarging the Alumni Walk, helping facilitate class reunions and awarding scholarships to alumni students. We welcome new volunteers to help accomplish even more in the years to come. See you at Homecoming!
Become a part of the Alumni Association and attend one of our meetings
Here are the Alumni Association Board of Directors meeting dates for 2020. The meetings are scheduled to fall on the second Monday of the month. They begin in the evenings at 6:30pm and are usually concluded by 8:00pm. Homecoming Friday, before the game, is the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
time we hold our Annual General Membership Meeting. All RUHS alumni, whether local or out-of-town are invited to attend! Besides conducting association business, it is also the time we elect next year’s new board members.
- Annual General Membership — 2021 Board election meeting: CANCELLED Campus facilities are closed through 2020. Date, time and method to be determined by October 1st, 2020. Look for notification soon thereafter
Alumni Association Board of Directors for 2020

Augie Garnier, ’81 (Out going President). Officers elected for 2020: Chris Anderson, ’69 – President; Patty (O’Sullivan) Mintun, ’71 – Treasurer; Ana (Gomez) Araujo, ’73 – Secretary; and not present Chuck O’Sullivan, ’69 – Vice President.
Thank you so much to the outgoing Board for your service and congratulations to the newly elected Board members!
- President: Chris Anderson, ’69
(Committees – Auditing, Special Projects: Website Development & Maintenance) - Vice-President: Chuck O’Sullivan, ’69
(Committee – Special Projects: ByLaws Review) - Secretary: Ana (Gomez) Araujo, ’73
(Committee – Special Projects: ByLaws Review) - Treasurer: Patty (O’Sullivan) Mintun, ’71
(Committees – Finance & Fund, Special Projects: ByLaws Review; Alumni Walk Enhancement) - Parliamentarian: Augie Garnier, ’81
(Committee – Scholarship Fund) - Member-At-Large: Pat (Caldwell) Ramsey, ’43
(Committee – Special Projects: Alumni Walk) - Member-At-Large: Linda (Denison) Aust, ’66
(Committees – Special Projects: Social Media; ByLaws Review) - Member-At-Large: Terry (Brady) Martinez, ’71
(RUHS Archivist, Committee – Special Projects: ByLaws Review)